Nipple Pumps

Nipple pumps are sex toys to enhance sensitivity and pleasure in the nipples. They work by creating suction, which increases blood flow and stimulates nerve endings in the nipples. This can lead to increased sensitivity and stronger orgasms. Nipple pumps are a great option for people who enjoy nipple play, whether alone or with a partner.


There are two main types of nipple pumps: manual and electric. Manual pumps require manual pumping action to create suction, while electric nipple pumps use a motor to create suction. Both types of pumps come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some even come with adjustable suction levels for customized pleasure.

How to Use:

Before using a pump, it is important to clean the toy and apply a small amount of water-based lubricant to the nipple. This will help the pump adhere to the skin and prevent discomfort. Next, place the pump over the nipple and begin pumping. As the suction increases, you should feel a pleasurable sensation. Keep pumping until you reach your desired level of suction.

It is important to monitor the suction level and release the pump before it becomes uncomfortable. Overuse of pumps can lead to injury. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use caution.


They offer a range of benefits for those who enjoy nipple play. They can increase sensitivity and pleasure, leading to stronger orgasms. Additionally, they can also be used as a form of BDSM play, adding an element of power and control to sexual experiences.

Nipple pumps are also a great option for people with nipples that are less sensitive than they would like. By increasing blood flow and stimulating nerve endings, pumps can help increase sensitivity over time.


Nipple pumps are a great option for anyone who enjoys nipple play. Whether you’re looking to increase sensitivity, enhance pleasure, or add an element of BDSM to your sexual experiences. They are versatile and fun toys to add to your collection. Just be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use caution to avoid injury.

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(51) $28.50
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Original price was: $117.71.Current price is: $105.94.